Boaz Frankel just returned home from his 10 week journey crisscrossing the United States using everything BUT a car. His story is UNbelievable! So he definitely had to have an Un-party when he arrived at Keen Footwear. Who knew Boaz could rock the Kazoo with the awesome band, The Dexter Street Stompers. I have video below of that taken with my Canon 5d MarkII.
Boaz wanted to show how you can travel using alternative modes of transportation--and have fun doing it! I believe his transportation of choice is the oh so famous scooter beer cooler. Which was featured on NBC's the Today Show. I almost caught up with him when he made his way through NYC when I was there photographing a wedding.
Boaz wanted to show how you can travel using alternative modes of transportation--and have fun doing it! I believe his transportation of choice is the oh so famous scooter beer cooler. Which was featured on NBC's the Today Show. I almost caught up with him when he made his way through NYC when I was there photographing a wedding.
Boaz has definitely inspired me to take alternative modes of transportation. I can't wait to see what's next?! The Un-Road Trip Europe? Maybe this time I can photograph you paragliding off the Eiffel Tower...
Welcome back, dude!
Learn more about Boaz and his cool adventure on his site!
Follow Boaz on twitter
Portland Oregon Wedding and Event Phototgraphy Daniel Stark
Welcome back, dude!
Learn more about Boaz and his cool adventure on his site!
Follow Boaz on twitter
Portland Oregon Wedding and Event Phototgraphy Daniel Stark